Signs Someone Has Gambling Problem

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Gambling addiction is a type of impulse-control disorder where you have little or no control over your urge to gamble, even when you are aware that your actions can hurt yourself and others and even when the odds are against you.

  1. Signs Of Someone With Gambling Problem
  2. Help With Gambling Problem
  3. Signs Someone Has A Gambling Problem
  4. Signs He Has A Gambling Problem

There is often an underlying issue which causes you to start gambling. Examples may include stress caused by problems at work, unresolved issues within a relationship, drug or alcohol addiction, or a form of escapism from bereavement or any difficult emotional period in your life.

Similarly, a person who withdraws from socializing with friends and family to spend all his time online may have a gambling problem. Becoming overly invested in a game. Gambling addicts may pay excessive attention to the details of a game - such as who won the coin toss - or have an out-of-proportion response to what’s happening. While these emotional factors may contribute to a gambling addiction, the following may be more visible signs of a gambling problem in either yourself or someone that you care about: A preoccupation with gambling and loss of interest in other aspects of life, such as ignoring family responsibilities and focusing only on the results of gambling.

Help with gambling problem

At Priory, we understand that acknowledging you have a gambling problem and seeking help can be difficult at first. Whether you have lost a significant amount of money on one bet or over a period of time, your gambling addiction can be rectified no matter how severe your habit.

Our approach to treating gambling addiction symptoms involves psychological support or intervention therapy sessions using evidence-based approaches to initially help to understand the reasons why you have developed a gambling addiction, which can be further explored as part of individual or group therapy sessions at one of our specialist addiction treatment centres.

Feeling a constant urge to gamble even when you are already in a difficult financial situation, or gambling as a way out of financial difficulty are both common symptoms of a gambling addiction. Gambling addiction can also cause problems in relationships and at work, while the cost of funding a gambling addiction can become a huge burden as well as an emotional pressure.

Common symptoms of a gambling addiction

Signs Of Someone With Gambling Problem

Gambling addiction may be caused by underlying stress linked to a difficult time in your life, whether work, relationship or financially related, as well as having an addictive personality prone to compulsive behaviour.

Gambling addiction isn't diffcult to determine. Here are the symptoms and signs of addiction to gambling.


What are the Signs of Gambling Addiction?

The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists the following criteria for pathological gambling: preoccupation, tolerance, withdrawal, escape, chasing, lying, loss of control, illegal acts, risk of significant relationship, and bailout.


Signs Someone Has Gambling Problem

One sure sign of gambling addiction is preoccupation. Preoccupation occurs when the gambler constantly thinks about gambling. He or she may frequently recall past gambling experiences. The gambler's life is now centered on gambling and how to acquire money with which to gamble. A preoccupied gambler may duck out of certain obligations and spend money designated for other purposes just to fulfill the gratification gained by gambling.


In the same way that a drug abuser can become tolerant of the substance that he or she is taking, one of the keys signs of a gambling addiction is the gambler becoming tolerant of gambling. The gambler becomes tolerant when he or she needs more and more money to achieve the desired sensation, just as a cocaine addict may need more and more cocaine.

Withdrawal: Another Sign of Gambling Addiction

Halting gambling may lead to withdrawal. This withdrawal may not come in a form as physical as the body's withdrawal from a substance, but a gambler suffering from withdrawal may experience agitation and irritability when he or she tries to gamble less or quit gambling altogether.


Pathological gamblers may also use gambling to escape from the world. They may be attempting to run away from their problems or to combat negative feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or depression.


The gambling addict may also become a chaser of losses. In other words, when the gambler loses money, he or she returns the next day to try to gain it back or get even with the house.


You may have seen this sign of gambling addiction. Gambling addiction can lead to lying to both family members and friends about how the gambler is getting the money to gamble and the amount of time he or she is spending gambling.

Loss of Control

If you or a loved one has tried over and over again to stop gambling, this may be a sign that you have lost control to your gambling addiction and need to seek help. (more information about gambling addiction help)

Illegal Acts

Many compulsive gamblers become so in need of funds for their addiction that they resort to stealing—through larceny, fraud, or embezzlement—in order to continue their habits.

Risk of Significant Relationships

Another of the gambling addiction symptoms is how the gambler's relationships are affected, including jobs, personal relationships, educational opportunities, and so forth.

Final Gambling Addiction Sign: Bailout

A final symptom of gambling addiction is relying on others for monetary support for financial problems created by gambling.

Help With Gambling Problem


Signs Someone Has Gambling Problem
  • DSM IV - American Psychiatric Association

Signs Someone Has A Gambling Problem

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Signs He Has A Gambling Problem

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2009, December 22). Signs of Gambling Addiction, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2020, December 31 from